Janos Peti-Peterdi, MD, PhD

Grants Review Committee

Janos Peti-Peterdi is professor at the Departments of Physiology and Neuroscience, and Medicine at the University of Southern California. He received his MD (1994) and PhD (1998) degrees from the Semmelweis University Medical School, Budapest, Hungary, and postdoctoral training in renal physiology/nephrology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (1997-2001). He joined the faculty at USC Keck School of Medicine in 2004, where he received tenure (2007). Dr. Peti-Peterdi is dedicated to finding a cure for chronic kidney disease by performing basic science research in kidney and cardiovascular pathophysiology and clinical and therapeutic translation to mechanism-based new treatments. His laboratory pioneered several applications of intravital multiphoton microscopy to quantitatively visualize dynamic alterations in kidney and nephron structure and function over time during disease processes, including the fate and function of chief renal cell types in endogenous tissue remodeling and regeneration. Dr. Peti-Peterdi's active research program is funded by the NIH, AHA, ADA, and the LRA. Dr. Peti-Peterdi is member of the American Society for Clinical Investigation, European Academy of Sciences and Arts, American Physiological Society Renal Section, American and International Society of Nephrology, and the American Heart Association's Hypertension and Kidney in Cardiovascular Disease Councils.